WHEAT Independent Evaluation Now Available
By Katie Lutz/CIMMYT
EL BATAN, Mexico (May 7, 2015)- The Final Report of the Evaluation of “WHEAT” led by the CGIAR Independent Evaluation Arrangement (IEA), as well as the response of WHEAT management to the report are now available online.
According to The IEA website, “The IEA of the CGIAR is an independent unit which supports the CGIAR in the pursuit of its objectives defined as: reduction of poverty; improving food security; improving nutrition and health; and the sustainable management of natural resources. In this role, the IEA manages and supports external evaluations which aim to provide accountability, support to decision making, and lessons for improving quality and effectiveness of agricultural research for development outcomes.”
The evaluation report has two parts: a full evaluation report in Volume 1, including an Executive Summary; and a Volume 2 that contains the Annexes.
Beginning in 2014, the External Review Team carefully reviewed background materials; conducted extensive interviews, surveys and site visits with WHEAT management, researchers and stakeholders; analyzed WHEAT projects, the project portfolio and scientific publications; and reviewed and assessed WHEAT impact narratives and supporting evidence.
The resulting report concluded “…that WHEAT is contributing sufficient value from CGIAR’s research investments to…warrant continuation during the extension-phase (2015-16) and beyond” and presenting 12 specific recommendations for improvements. The WHEAT-Management Committee is responsible for following up on them.
The WHEAT Independent Steering- and Management Committees first responded with fact-checking and initial observations about the recommendations. In a 2nd round, they responded formally to the 12 recommendations, accepting them in full but for one.
Additional information about the WHEAT evaluation process and team can be found here.